Tuesday, 25 June 2013

All things come in three, right??

Last time I blogged I commented on how busy I was and when I posted it on Facebook my comment then was that I loved being busy... Well someone or something must have listened, but not quite fully understanding that when I said it I did mean the work that I do, not all the chores! So, not long after that post we have had:
* Some lovely little crawlies in my son's hair (blah!), and having to treat every ones hair and change 5!! bed linen and wash copious amount of washes;
 * A chipped front tooth happening totally at random by my daughter bouncing a tennis ball, which hit the table which made her perfume bottle fall and of course she was sitting on the floor by the table getting bottle on her front tooth! So off to the dentist...
* And thirdly a projectile vomit in the boys extremely messy bedroom floor at 330am! 2 big kitchen tidy bags full of vomited things, books, lego an other useless but loved toys were thrown away. I must say it was very hard and cold standing outside on the nature strip (bin night) in the middle of the night trying to squash these disgusting bags into a very full bin. The problem then was the stench! Not having had carpet in bedrooms for years I was not prepared. After lots of hard cleaning, and yes I actually have post exercise soreness in my legs and triceps from it, I managed to remove the stain. After some great advice to put instant coffee grains on the floor like they do on planes to get rid of the smell I have now gone from a quite invisible stinking stain to a mix of coffee and vomit stench, with a poo brown stain!

Not really the busy kind that I like or had in mind.

Never the less my bracelet orders still have to be made and the start of this week saw the packages of natural and black 3 wave bracelets leave for Nordic Fusion and a combination of red, blue, tan, white and natural leave for Red Hill House.

School holidays soon, couldn't come at a better time :)

Thursday, 13 June 2013

New Customers, busy weeks...

The last couple of weeks have certainly been hectic with not only both Nordic Fusion and Red Hill House placing wholesale orders of Sami bracelets, but also my Swedelicious Tea Blends have also received new customers.
Fika Swedish Kitchen in Manly, Sydney has opened recently and 7 tea blends will be served there. They will have black tea-blends: Nordic Forest, Rhubarb and Cream, Stockholm South, Spicy Chai & green: Gröna Lund and Polaris & Rooibos; Wild Strawberry and Elderberry.

Swedish Tarts in Adelaide, SA will serve 3 organic Viking Tea Blends; Freya's Passion (black), Valhalla (green) and Erik the Red (rooibos).

Swedish Shop and Cafe in QLD together with Swedish Goodies in QLD will and have also received a top up of their teas. So definitely a busy couple of weeks!

Interestingly both Nordic Fusion and Red Hill House both ordered a bundle of the 3 wave Sami bracelets.
While Nordic Fusion went with their more neutral and basic colours such as natural and black, Red Hill House, who seem to be more into colours, ordered turquoise, navy and red as well as the neutrals; white, natural and tan.

For some reason I don't have a 3wave navy nor white to show, but I'll post pictures of them when they are done, before sending them away.

However, here is the assembly line :)

Have a great day and if you are in Melbourne rug up and stay cosy. xx