I have to say that I dread the day books are a thing of the past. I hope it never happens and so far I still know quite a few who cannot bare the thought of reading a book via the ipad instead of it in their hands. Nothing can replace the feeling of reading a paper book, the smell and the relaxation.
Similar thing with the good old watch. How many rely on their phone to know the time? But when the phone is down and needs to be recharged, then what?
So I have got 2 watches made with reindeer leather and Sami ornamentation in pewter / silver threads. The red watch even has sterling silver pearls inter weaved.
The clock faces are stainless steel, but can be ordered with sterling silver instead, although there will be an increase in price of course.
All the little trimmings like the lock, the loops etc are all sterling silver. The loops enable the watch to fit a broader range of wrist width.
Both clock faces are rectangular and similar in size, although the face that the red band has is slightly thinner and more curved. It has a more vintage look than the other one.
So if you see a bracelet style you like remember that you can have that as a watch band too, and in a variety of colours.